changing history
(right now!)


Surreal Isle


High Royal


Ooc Home

Between A Rock & A Hard Place.

Freedom. . .

What is freedom, but a destiny that is stolen with so much contempt? There is a song that can be heard for those who listen closely, a promise that stirs the blood and feeds the soul. In dire times it sounds the drums of war within each of our hearts, where once youth knew only dreams unfettered and unspoiled. Here, nestled between the coastal seaboard and the city walls lie realms of pristine wilderness that have stood the test of time and stretch beyond where the eye can behold. Here is where the free folk thrive and bow to none but their own; where the beasts fight both one another and the ongoing threat of enslavement by the encroaching city-dwellers. In the wind and in the thrum of our bodies against the earth, listen, and know that those who tread the road less traveled shall never forsake the wide open spaces where the wild things are.

Natural & Mythical


Where the snowy peaks thrust into the sky and the taiga sprouts from the ridge ruins, behold the fallen stronghold of the wolves. It is said that their mournful song can still be heard, deep within the mountains where the mushrooms lend their luminescence and far across the shrubby hills, where forest-thatched tunnels lead to faraway lands and riverbeds cut shadowy canyons through the lush earth.

Past Rulers of Note: Krio, Ookami


The chilly cloud forests rest in the bowl of the world, where dappled forest floors rise and fall with the dips of the valleys, where water cascades from broken pillars of the earth and moss covered stones lead the way to secret coves. look in the tide pools and thirst for their water when the glade grasses turn to the dust of the distant deserts.

Past Rulers of Note:


When traversing the scorched land of the volcanic fields, gray ash has a tendency to fall from the sky like snow and dust the air with a sour fog. Sure footed trails will lead to the worm-wells, abandoned tunnels that magma once flowed through and petrified with charred remains. Beyond the dismal horizon lay treacherous bogs that belch sulfur but eventually lead to muddy hot springs that rejuvenate the soil. Here is where one may bask in the sultry air that is weighted with raindrops and filled with the lush vegetation that spills from the canopy to the rich, black soils beneath.

Past Rulers of Note:

Secret Societies


garner the support of five (5) character members and message moderation with society name, purpose, gathering location (description), and member names to get up and running! (Members do not have to be from the same realm).

Past Rulers of Note: