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corelings came to be at the center of the earth, hence their name. from the collision of magnetic fields and dangerous magic, they were born into the sweltering heat and darkness of the underworld. within this dank place, where the heartbeat of magic pulses into eternity, the seven deadly sins took hold and lent their power to these bestial creatures. so powerful did they become that long ago did corelings set hoof to soil and learn to endure the pain of the daylight. like their counterparts, the nimh, corelings are deformed by their magic, and become moreso with age and greater power. coreling magic is darker in nature and rooted in destruction; feeding the wickedness that exists in most of their souls. although the hands of time do not age these immortal creatures, corelings may be killed by any normal means. | |
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It is not known where Nimh came from; perhaps through a portal from a world in a different dimension, perhaps from dreams themselves, or even from the elements they control. Nimh are often considered the "light" to the Corelings "dark", although these creatures are not to be coddled. They, like Corelings, are born superior to mortals and often feel their natural superiority deserves respect and a divine right to rule over all. Nimh are often at war with the Corelings due to past bloodshed, and the nature of Nimh to create rather than destroy. Nimh are powerful and often practice magic based upon the elements (water, air, earth, fire, telepathy, etc.). They often have some form of the elements they practice altering their bodies (trees growing from earth Nimh, horses made of water for water Nimh, etc.) Nimh are also immortal, but can be killed by any means other than time. | |
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Half-lings live longer than mortals and still feel the effects of time, but at a much much slower pace. Half-lings do not live as long as either Nimh or Coreling and are often rejected by one or both parents due to their strange mixture of races. Half-lings may look normal or unnatural, and may or may not practice magic; or any combination of these two facts. Half-lings are somewhat rare as the gestation and birthing process often goes awry; usually ending in stillbirth or abortion. | |
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