Surreal. It means having an oddly dreamlike quality - but there is nothing dreamlike in this world. It is a place of life and death: a place of grace, beauty, and destruction. Some could even say it was a place where three worlds have collided to become the one we know now. Strangely, the three worlds - light, neutral, and dark - live in some sort of relative peace, but the slightest ripple of turmoil could send this one world shattering apart all over again. After all, it can't be big enough for everyone; there isn't a world big enough for even one 'race'; for within each group is a delicate balance that has a habit of tipping every now and again. Even amongst themselves, they are at each other's throats to reach some unattainable goal. Life? Love? Power? Immortality, in the shape of legends? Whatever the reason, whatever the drive, the inhabitants of this strange place just can't seem to leave well enough alone. Conflict lies ahead, but with it comes the satisfaction of having one more chance at reaching the unattainable
--intro by .x.scratch