lurking (right now!)





Some General Terms.
some changes, but credit to i.mmortal from Elyon

Horse: Equine, Equus, Equid, Steed, Quadruped, Ungulate, Charger, Cob, Nag

Color: Hue, Pigment, Tint, Tincture, Variegation, Heraldry, Dye, Emulsion, Tone, Stain, Paint, Wash, Coloring, Shade, Tinge

Body: Bodice, Form, Stature, Structure, Silhouette, Bulk, Physique, Frame, Torso, Mass, Barrel, Substance, Figure, Facade, Sketch, Outline, Bod, Carcass, Chassis, Frame, Shape, Torso, Carriage, Silhouette, Figurine

Body Parts

Other: Flank (Indent between the ribcage and the quarters), Platform (Back), Poll (Where the head meets the neck)

Head: Crania, Dial, Visage, Pate, Cerebrum, Culmination, Crown, Mask, Cranium, Skull, Vertex, Dome, Trophy, Palette, Cranial, Dreambox, Tiara

Mouth: Maw, Trap, Chops, Orate, Mug, Velveteen, Kissers, Jaw, Puss, Muzzle

Muzzle: Mug, Facade, Nasal passages, Nares, Nostrils, Maw, Probiscus, Kisser

Lips: Labarums, Labrales, Labra, Labium

Teeth: Ivories, Chomps, Enamels, Nippers, Incisors, Fangs, Dentals, Pearls/ Pearly Whites, Ivories, Incisors

Nose: Mug, Muzzle, Maw, Velveteen, Plush, Schnozzle, Probiscis, Snout, Prow, Detector

Nostrils: Nares, Hollows, Breathers, Orifices, Odours, Narettes, Crescents, Nasal Passages, Oxygenators, paper-thins

Eyes: Orbs, Optics, Occulars, Pools, Liquids, Visionaries, Viewers, Optical Spheres, Mirrors, Orbits, Occuli, Oracles, Luminaries, Spheres, rondures, lamps, oculus, globes, pool, twin pools, sould windows

Ears: Auditives, Auds, Twin Peaks, Audits, Lappettes, Lobes, Twin Pinnacles, Twin Zeniths, Doublets, Twin Set, Tuners, Listeners, Thorns, Growths, Diamond Doubles, Audreys, Auditories, Flutes, Receiptors, Tulips, Antennae, Audets, Lobes, Harks, Thorns, Acoustics, Apparatus, Tympanums, Lappets, Auricles, Doublets, Sentinels, Duos, Diagnostics, Pricks, Twin pinnacles, Towers

Neck: Bow, Collar, Crest, Stem, Shank, Bond, Pillar, Bridge, Boa, Cranage, Nape (Back of Neck), Cobrall, Column, urvature, serpentine, arch, viper, Curvature

Throat: Gullet, Oesophagus, Pharynx, Larynx, Gorge, Esophagus, Orifice, Conduit 

Mane: Tressles, Locks, Tapestries, Hair, Drapes, tassels, tendrils, vibrissas, feathers, ribbons, cilium, filament, tress

Forelock: Foretassles, forelocks 

Legs: Pegs, Pistons, Pedals, Pinions, Shanks, Gams, Supports, Coloumns, Sticks, Pedistals, Limbs, Bands, Conveyance, Pedates, Nadirs, Fores (front legs), Hinds (back legs), Appendages, stilts, columns, pillars, branch, pinion

Hooves: Nails, Daggers, Crystals, Talons, Nadirs, Apical Tips, Onyx, Obsidians, Claws, Plates, Strikers, Flints, Fulcrums, Obsidians, Titaniums, Kelsons, Spades, Discs, Nadra, Slates, barbs, flints, scythes, knives

Tail: Plume, Banner, Caudal Appendages, Whipcords, Hock Kisser, Pendulum, Ribbons, Hock Teaser, Swatter, Fifth Appendage, Tassle, Rope, flag, trendal

The Coat

Coat: Canvas, Pelage, Epidermis, Pellicle, Throw, Hair, Pelt, Skin, Hide, Fleece, Layer, Laminate, Wrapping, Derma 

The Colors

Black: Jet, Midnight, Death Hewn, Raven, Demon Hewd, Swarthy, Obsidian, Ebon, Sable, Ebony, Charcoal, Nigrescent, Stygian, Heinous, Inky, coal, dingy, dusky, inklike, livid, melanoid, murky, nigrous, onyx, pitch, shadowy, slate, sooty, starless

White: Snowy, Ivory, Hueless, Star-Kissed, Albino, Ghostly, Non-Pigmented, Bleached, Pure, Caucasian, alabaster, chalky, clear, fair, frosted, ghastly, immaculate, light, milky, neutral, pallid, pasty, pearly, silver, silvery, snowy, spotless, transparent, unblemished, unsullied

Grey: Pallid, Ashen, Silver, Iron, Steel, Icy, Moon-Kissed, Moonwashed, ash, cinereal, clouded, dappled, heather, mousy, pearly, peppery, powder, shaded, silvered, silvery

Chestnut: Sorrel, Henna, Flame-Kissed, Flame-Licked, Crimson, Flame-Hued, Scarlet, Bloodwashed, copper, hazel, henna, nut, russet, rust, tawny, burnished

Bay: Chocolate, Auburn, Mahogany, sepia

Brown: Fuscous, Beige, Fawn, Bawn, amber, bronze, cinnamon, cocoa, coffee, copper,fawn, ginger

Palomino: Sun-Kissed, Golden, Sun-God, Sun-Rayed, Sand, Aureate, Gilden, Bullion, blond, blonde,flaxen, gold, honeyed, ochroid, straw, tan, tawny, wheat, sunstruck, sunkissed

Blue Roan: Denim stained,sky hued

Green: Glaucous, Viridescent

  Blue: Azure, Beryl, Cobalt, Sapphire, Teal, Turquoise, Ultramarine 

Dark Blue: Cerulean, Indigo, Navy, Royal 

The Natural World

Ground: Terra Firma, Terra, Siol, Earth, Terrain, Soils, Emerald Carpet 

Trees: Frondescence, Foliage 

Substances on Ground: (Leaves, twigs, etc.) Loam, Foliage, Brush, Flora, Umbrage 

Land: Domicile, Realm, Territory, Domain, Habitat, Kingdom, acreage, seigniory, terrain, realm,loam, , nation, purlieu, quinta, tract, terra

Vegetation: Flora, Herbage, Verdure, Umbrage, Leafage 

Sky: Firmament, Welkin, Blue Yonder, Heavens, Cloudrealm 

Field: Glebe, Meadow, cropland, mead, tillage, tract, vineyard, green, pasture

Mountain: alp, bank, cliff, dome, drift, eminence, mesa, peak, pike, precipice

River: brook, creek, rindle, rivulet, spring, streamlet

Hill: Acropolis, ascent, summit, slope, hill, mesa, rise

Forest/Woods: clump, jungle, grove, timber, growth, thicket, wood, woodland, woods 

Perimeter: Periphery, Frontier 

Wind: Squall, breeze

Breeze: Zephyr, (wind) puffs, whispers


Warm: tepid, pleasant, toasty, temperate, sweltering, sizzling

Cold: chilly, arctic, bitter, brisk, frigid, frosty, freezing, polar, glacial, crisp, icy

Sunny: cloudless, radiant, brilliant, clarion, luminous, undarkened

Cloudy: blurred, dim, dismal, dull, dusky, foggy, gloomy, heavy, misty, somber, overcast

Stormy: bitter, blustery, damp, furious, gusty, howling, pouring, raging, savage, torrid, turbulent, violent

Rain: downpour, drizzle,shower, sprinkle,torrent Wind-draft, gust, mistral, skiff, whisk


Happy: joyous, blessed, blest, blithe, captivated, content, delighted, ecstatic, elated, gratified, jolly, peaceful, peppy, playful, mirthful, satisfied, thrilled, upbeat

Sad: bitter, blue, dejected, depressed, despairing, despondent, dismal, distressed, downcast, forlorn, gloomy, glum, languishing, melancholy, morbid, mournful, somber, sorrowful

Mad: angry,agitated,enraged,fuming,furious,provoked, wrathful

Tired: burnt out, drained, drooping, drowsy,spent, fatigued, weary, worn.

Flirty: amorous, coy, dallying, enticing

Annoyed: affronted, antagonized,chafed, cross, displeased, exasperated, irritable,sulky

Playful: comical, humorous, merry, waggish, whimsical, witty, wry, satirical, frivolous

Nervous: anxious, apprehensive, flustered, troubled, volatile.


Walking: impelling, 4-beat,saunter, shlep, step, stride, strollo, traipse

Trot: 2-beat, scamper, flaunt

Canter: 3-beat, lope

Gallop: bolt, dart, dash, rush, shoot, sprint


Stallion: baron, caesar, caliph,czar, monarch, rex, shah, sovereign, sultan, tycoon, beau, gent, gentleman,lord,master, mister, stud, beast, demon, brute, bronc, sahib, emporer, hunter, king, devil, fiend, lout, monster, ogre, ruffian, sadist, savage, scamp, Brujo, steed, Bronc, Behemoth, Titan, Virile, Vagabond, Masculine, Mascu, Hessian, Boar, He-Beast, Demon

Mare: beaut, belle, charmess, dream, enchantress, femme, fatale, goddess,ornament, seductress, siren, vagrant,fairy, swan, dove,pixie,brownie,fay, genie, mermaid, nisse, nymph,sprite, sylph, Femina, Femora, Vixen, Dove, Bruja, Inamorato, Dryad, Mistress, Dame, Maiden, Damsel, Lua, Lamia, Femme Fatale, Vixetta, Lorelei, She-Beast, Femorette, Feminique, Hellion, Viagro, Shrew, Harridan, Spitfire, Minx, Jezebel, Lamia, Sovereign, Monarch, Brutale, Valkyrie, Tempest, Demoness

Foal: juvenile, minor, youth, tod, toddler, tyke, apprentice, parcel

Colt: buck, cadet, chap, child, chip,half-pint, junior, lad, sonny, sprout, squirt, stripling, tadpole, youngster, youth, prince, Youth, Bray, Rogue, Lad

Filly: babe,bird,princess, butterfly, canary, chick, damsel, daughter, deb, debutante, doll, nymphet, Youth, Filla, Bella, Lass, Flicka, Lassina


Big: Prodigious, Colossal, Mammoth

Small/Slender: Svelte, Miniscule

Muscular: Brawny, Sinewy, Stalwart, Strapping, Burly, Robust


Mother: Dam, maternal 

Father: Sire, Paternal


Herd: Cadre, Flock, Assemblage, Bevy, Brood, Blan, Collection, Covey, Crowd, Crush, Drift, Drove, Flight, Horde, Populace

Destroy: Lacerate, Decimate