lurking (right now!)






1. Respect.
2. Copyright.
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4. God-moding.
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6. Questions.


1. Bonded animals.
  • May be played by the same owner of the character forming the other half of the bond, or by another player.
  • Animals and characters open for bonding should post a request on the updates and/or chat board.
  • Bonding may not be reversed or undone outside of compelling circumstances. Please email staff with concerns.
  • Bonding matches will try to pair a less-experienced rper to a more experienced rper to encourage mentorship, guidance, and personal growth.
2. Character Type.
  • All characters (excluding bonded animals) are coreling, mortal, or nimh.
  • Corelings are demons birthed from dark magic meeting magnetic fields at the core of the earth. Their magic is almost always destructive in nature, usually rooted in one or more of the 7-deadly sins, and causes increased deformities and alterations of appearance in those who become more powerful with the magic.
  • Mortals are realistic characters. Only mortals may be gifted bonded animals. Mortals are always born weaker than corelings or nimh, and are incapable of practicing magic or elementals unless earned through gameplay (rare).
  • Nimh are mythical animals who practice magic which is usually rooted in the elements. Nimh appearance is unnatural, but generally not deformed like Corelings. Nimh magic is often used to increase personal prowess and not simply to destrroy as the Corelings do. Nimh are neither weak or timid or less powerful than their Coreling counterparts.
  • Corelings and Nimh are naturally born stronger and superior to mortals. Both races will attempt to enslave, rape, or turn mortals to their own desires rather than aid them in most cases, although mortals do hold unbearable intrigue to both corelings and nimh. This fascination, in the past, has helped prevent total decimation of mortals by nimh and coreling harassment.
2. Breeds.
  • Currently, all characters must be equine-based.
  • Mortals may be any realistic equine breed including relatives of the horse such as zebras, donkeys, mules, zorses, zonkeys, etc.
  • Corelings and Nimh may be any breed of realistic horse (with deformities or unnatural appearances including any form of mythical or imagined physical states) as long as the character is equine-based. Some of the most common examples are unicorns, pegasus, kelpies, karkadans, kirins, etc.